The #LiveGreen Launch & Sharing Session was held on April 6, 2021, from 3 PM to 5 PM Malaysia Time (GMT+8) on Zoom Webinar.
The purpose of the session was to launch Thong Guan’s #LiveGreen program officially.
Also included were featured sharing sessions by various speakers regarding ‘Plastic and Its Role in Sustainability for Global Businesses’.
The webinar began with an eye-opening speech by Dato’ PK Ang, the Group Executive Director of Thong Guan Industries Berhad.
The questions raised and discussed that are worthy of pondering during the webinar were
- Who is paying the costs of recycling?
- Will recycled plastic resins ever be cheaper than virgin materials?
- How can we help brand owners achieve their sustainability goals—which they have pledged to achieve within the next few years?
- Who are the stakeholders in the value chain?
- How can all the stakeholders play a role in closing the plastic circular loop?
Subsequently, Dato’ PK Ang concluded the opening with a Sustainability Video created by Thong Guan in-house.
The session then continued with the sharing by various invited speakers touching on how they practice sustainability and their wish for the future of sustainability in the industry.
We were honoured to have speakers from different backgrounds supporting us—
- Dr. Zhang Han, the APAC Sustainability Director of The Dow Chemical Company;
- Peter McCullough, the Managing Director of Taigan M-Stretch (Pty) Ltd;
- Lai-Lyn Fong, the Sales Director of Messe Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.; and
- Christian Olesen, the Load Stability Expert from TG Europe.

The webinar was a success.
Webinar Attendees Summary
Consequently, we have 78% turnups (132) from 170 registrations.
The attendees came from 27 countries where the top 5 countries comprise Malaysia (57), Australia (18), Lithuania (5), the United Kingdom (5), and Singapore (5), which made up 68% of the total attendees.

We are happy to have over 70 companies that joined us on that day where
- 25% were distributors/brokers,
- 21% were converters/compounders/masterbatchers,
- 13% were brand owners/manufacturers,
- 7% were material/machine suppliers,
- 6% from packaging companies,
- 4% from chemical companies,
- 3% machine/equipment makers, and
- 2% service providers.
In fact, they were all vital stakeholders of the packaging value chain.

Subsequently, the webinar sharing ended with David Ang, the General Manager of Thong Guan Industries Berhad, where he shared details of the #LiveGreen program.
Also highlighted were Thong Guan’s sustainability practices, including installing solar panelled roofs over the various plants of Thong Guan.

The People Behind the Scene
Equally important, the webinar wouldn’t have gone smoothly without the support of the people behind the scene.
Special thanks to Jane Leong from Newton Research & Development Centre Sdn. Bhd., Tan Xue Yin from Thong Guan Industries Berhad, Rachel, the emcee and Shuan Thing, the event runner.

Finally, David officially announced the launch of #LiveGreen with a teaser video of Thong Guan’s new website.
The reconstruction of Thong Guan’s website happened early this year to reflect the company’s new green initiative towards sustainability in the packaging industry.
One of the primary objectives for #LiveGreen is to help their customers to achieve their sustainability goals through innovation, technology, and data insights.
#LiveGreen Survey Results
On the contrary, despite the low feedback response (18, 11%), we received mostly positive feedback.
Most of the respondents find the webinar relevant and helpful for their job or company.
In the webinar logistics and flow, we still have room for improvements, as shown in the survey results chart below.

We have also received a total of more than ten questions via Zoom Q&A from some attendees.
In which, all the speakers were quick to respond.
Eventually, the webinar ended with many congratulatory messages from fellow attendees on the success of our #LiveGreen Launch.
We hope to do more webinars in the future, focusing on relevant topics for our community and industry.
Also, you may fill out the form here for those interested in participating in the #LiveGreen program.
Thong Guan #LiveGreen Initiatives
Here’s a summary of our #LiveGreen initiatives.Eventually, the webinar ended with many congratulatory messages from fellow attendees on the #LiveGreen Launch’s success.

Bag2Earth is our compostable bags range. WE help you achieve your sustainability goals while offering high-quality, value-added products range for your customers.

Our TG Bio Series is made of green PE resins from renewable feedstock, wood chips, tall oil. Not just from any bio ingredients but a by-product of another industry, making our efforts for circular economy ever more purposeful.

TG RE:DO is our Recycling Program where you can send us your used gage films. Then, we will give these plastics a redo—bringing their purpose back once again.

Through this Repurposing Program, we take in post-industrial and post-consumer wastes (PCI/PCW) and help you turn them into recycled resins.

RE:DUCE is our product innovation initiative to reduce what can be reduced without compromising our films’ quality. One good example is our Nano Zero—a product of this initiative.

Are you having troubles with your packaging? ENGAGE is a program in partnership with Newton R&D test lab designed to help you understand your packaging problems and optimisation options.

If you are interested in green innovation partnerships, you can join our TG Collabs. We believe that to achieve greater success, strategic collaboration with industry key partners is paramount.