Closing the Loop with NanoGreen: 30% Recycled Machine Film

recycled machine film NanoGreen

We should all invest in recycled machine film from now onwards.

Plastics are indeed valuable commodities in the packaging ecosystem, but what happens to them post-usage? 

National Geographic found that 91% of plastics are not recycled. In other words, only 9% of materials are recycled. A study in 2018 shows that mass production has created 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics—most of which end up in the trash. 

This is alarming.

As a plastics manufacturer, we strive to close the plastic waste loop. Here are some initiatives that we are doing. 

  • Progressively develop innovative ideas to close the loop. We have recently launched #livegreen to strengthen our commitment towards sustainability through education, innovation, recycling, alternative sourcing and more. 
  • Help our clients to reduce damaged goods and unsaleables, all of which contributes to more wastes, with wrapping optimisation through state-of-the-art simulation test lab, Newton R&D Centre (link to Newton
  • Help our customers that will soon face the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) law. Plastic packaging imported to the UK or manufactured in the UK that contains less than 30% recycled plastic will be subject to this new tax.

That is why we have chosen to put recycled materials back into the system so that plastics can live a longer lifespan of their usefulness. 

By recycling, we reduce waste, reduce our carbon footprint, and close the material loop. 


Are Recycled Machine Films Effective? 

The issue is not just whether recycled machine films are effective but also when you will need to adopt the closing-the-loop business decisions.

The walls are closing in for those who are still doubtful of going through the recycled content route. 

  • The British government has set the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) law with good reasons to promote sustainability through recycling, and others will most likely follow. 
  • The National Plastics Plan of Australia also accelerated 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging by 2025.
  • Prices of virgin materials have seen to fluctuate due to recent global climate and demand changes. (
  • It is unsustainable to use single-use plastics because they are made from nonrenewable resources and produce pollution. 

Whatever the reasons, we understand your hesitancy towards recycled films.

Such as, 

  • Are recycled films are as good as virgin films? 
  • Shouldn’t recycled films be cheaper?
  • Is the quality lower?
  • Can recycled machine films still get the job done at the end of the day?

Check out our #RecycledPlastic article series, and you may find more information about it. 

Meanwhile, here is some answer to your questions. 

When we use suitable plastic wastes, clean them thoroughly and processed them in a conducive environment, recycled plastic machine films are surprisingly comparable to conventional stretch films.

Yes, it may take extra work to collect plastic waste for recycling to repurpose it, but it is even more painful if you don’t recycle.  

But more than that, moving towards recycled films is sustainable for the packaging ecosystem. 

Let us show you what the benefits are and why you should embrace recycled materials for films, how it fits into your wrapping process (machine) and how you can test it to have the assurance of safe deliveries. 


Let’s Talk About Recycled Machine Film

If you are not new to recycled films, you know that machine film with 30% recycled materials is uncommon for semi-auto wrapping applications. 

Many are still unaware of such green initiatives but will eventually hear more sustainability policies around the world like the UK’s PPT implementation. 

As mentioned, It is important to have films with at least 30% recycled materials because it meets sustainable policies.

Businesses that make and import plastic packaging and consumers who buy goods packaged in plastic in the UK will be affected by plastic packaging that doesn’t contain 30% recycled plastic.

That is why it matters to source films with recycled materials that suit your needs before April 2022

Besides avoiding hefty taxes, you are championing “loop closing”, too.

You support and encourage the sustainability movement within the industrial chain and economy loop when you purchase recycled plastic films.

More plastic producers like us, stakeholders and end-users would be more supportive and involved in utilising recycled content in packaging arrangements. 

Recycled content has so much potential to be developed in the packaging industry. Perhaps this little push will help end-users discover alternative green products that can also do the job and protect our precious resources at the same time. 

One of such is our #loopcloser below.


Introducing NanoGreen, TG’s First High-Quality Recycled Machine Film 

Made with 30% recycled materials, NanoGreen stretch film is designed to meet your requirements. 

Apart from giving life to waste, our specially formulated film meets your requirements through laborious processes and rigorous testing to ensure they secure your goods, as well as virgin films.   

Even with recycled materials, compromising on pallet load stability is not an option. 

Here are some other points that you can look forward to:

  • Sustainability – Significantly reduces CO2 emissions with 30% recycled content 
  • High Load Containment Force – Higher holding force and allows you to achieve optimum wrap
  • Preserving the safety of your goods – From packing to fulfilment of the order. If you keep your goods safe, you reduce waste from damaged and unsaleable merchandise.
  • Cost-Efficient – Costs for wrapping are relatively comparable to virgin plastic material
  • Ideal without compromise – build sustainability without sacrificing properties of stretch film.
  • No Easy Snapping – Highly consistent film thickness that prevents easy snapping
  • Green – Traceability through green reporting on sustainable goals.


Here is a video of NanoGreen in action, a test at Newton R&D Centre on load containment performance.

We’re excited to announce that, when you get NanoGreen from us, in the near future, you will be joining efforts with a recognised Global Recycling Standards (GRS)—ISCC+ accreditation.

Yes, you heard right. We’re taking our closing-the-loop and sustainability initiatives a step further by making our efforts quantifiable.

That’s a plus point: you can show your customers that you are serious about sustainability and participating in a global movement to close the loop. Some of the other brands that have also applied for this accreditation are, e.g. Coca-Cola, Unilever, and Soy Network Switzerland.

How does this film fit into your wrapping process?

NanoGreen performs comparably just like other machine stretch films in the market. 

It covers the aspects of:

  • Excellent stretch force
  • High Anti-tear resistance
  • Outstanding puncture resistance 

The film is suitable for semi-auto machines with an operating range of 200% stretch for 15 um films, which is premium and ideal for most users in the supply chain. 


Testing Your Recycled Machine Film Before Delivery

So NanoGreen sounds interesting, but can this recycled plastic film perform on the job? 

Fret not; this is where Newton Research & Development Centre can help ensure this and clear this concern once and for all. 

Newton can test out your film and ensure load stability and optimise your wraps. Peace of mind awaits, no more worries. 

Newton R&D Centre’s popular acceleration and deceleration tests showed us that NanoGreen works on your semi-auto wrappers.


Conclusion: We Have Moved Ahead, How About You?

Yes, using recycled machine film sure saves on tax, but more importantly, it promotes sustainability. 

It’s not just about pointing fingers at who should start first, as sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. 

Thong Guan is ready to help you with that. With our premium recycled machine film, we can help tie everything together and support you in reaching your sustainable goals faster.

It’s your move now; let’s close the loop together. 

Contact us at and let us show you how. 

Tips and Methods to Reduce Plastic Pollution

plastic bottles

Plastic pollution isn’t new yet it has not stopped endangering wildlife and threatening the ecosystem.

According to UN Environment, around 8 million tons of plastics are deposited in the ocean each year, and this number is expected to reach 90 million tons by 2030. Plastic bags, one of the most common forms of finished plastics, are used for an average of 25 minutes yet it takes between 100 to 500 years to disintegrate.

What’s more, plastic wrap production accounts for 8% of the total oil produced in the world. A major concern is that by 2040, the plastic industry will be valued at a whopping $1.4 trillion, doubling its current value.

So how can we reduce plastic pollution? In this post, we highlight major tips and methods to fight the plastic crisis, including Thong Guan Industries Berhad’s LIVE GREEN Goals in helping save mother earth.

1. Replacing Disposable Plastics

From plastic wraps to straws, disposable cutlery, coffee cups, grocery bags and stretch films, over 90% of daily plastic items is used only once before they are disposed of. One can only imagine how many million plastics have ended up in the ocean.

Replacing disposable plastics is one way to minimize such excessive wastages. For instance, everyone should learn to replace disposable plastic items with reusable silverware, shopping bags, travel mugs, etc. before getting more accustomed to this habit.


2. Recycling Plastics

So far, around 14% of plastic packaging is recycled all through the world. Instead of disposing of plastic products, reusing or recycling them into useful products should be encouraged.

While some daily plastic items can be easily reused or recycled, certain plastics cannot be recycled at all. The following plastic types can be reused or recycled. You can easily identify a specific kind of plastic by simply checking the number on the bottom of the container.

Look for PET (used for liquid cleaner bottles and most beverages), PP (used for yoghurt, ketchup bottles, plastic cutlery, etc.), HDPE (used for milk, juice, etc.). These plastic types are recyclable and are accepted by most curbside recycling companies.


3. Awareness and Sensitization

lack of awareness and sensitization is also the reason for the plastic crisis. Consumers may not be fully aware of the health and safety hazards involved in plastic use and disposal.

Product standards, labelling requirements, and certifications can be designed to sensitize the public and enable more people to understand the negative impacts of single-use plastics.

Legislation on single-use plastic products can enable the higher use of reusable plastics.


4. Buy in Bulk

In addition to replacing disposable wrapping plastics with a reusable alternative, buying items in large quantities can help reduce plastic packaging.

This is amongst the easiest yet most impactful options for reducing plastic pollution. For instance, instead of buying toiletries from one store and hopping into another for the next purchase, consumers can consider buying in bulk.

This can drastically reduce the product-to-packaging ratio of items people tend to buy often.


Thong Guan’s Transformative Goals: LIVE GREEN

Going green isn’t simply a ‘trend’ at Thong Guan. It’s a way of life and a path to a more sustainable future. That is why we actively provide efficient solutions for businesses by offering a variety of eco-friendly packaging options.

Thong Guan has been committed to environmental conservation via its fundamental concept of RE:DUCERE:USE, and RE:CYCLE. Our green products are created to reduce waste and promote the conservation of natural resources.

We do business in such a way that it creates value for society and the environment. As a result, we continue to push for flexible packaging that can be readily recycled and reused.

Thong Guan is constantly collaborating with its partners to develop new, innovative concepts that support environmental efforts for its clients in the food & beverage, industrial & packaging, transportation & logistics, waste & energy, retail & eCommerce, hygiene & medical, and consumer packaging industries.

Klarity Food Wrap: Food Never Looked So Good

Food Wrap Klarity Thong Guan

Do you know that food wrap has an important role in a buyers decision-making process? 

Shoppers will find any reasons to buy an item if they are attracted to it. 

Yes, there are many, but visual appearances are undeniably one of them. 

Research shows that 93% of consumers are impressed by the visual appearance of a product they intend to buy. (Think back of your latest Tesco, Coles, Fresh Choice, or Walmart purchasing experience). 

Visuals play an essential product-intrinsic sensory cue when setting people’s expectations regarding the likely taste and flavour of food and drink. 

After all, it is only human nature to inspect something before we put a value on it. 

Well, you know what they say about first impressions, right?

However, there is more to just visual appearances when it comes to plastic food packaging.

Food wrap plays an important part in keeping food fresh, safe and odourless before reaching the consumers’ homes. 

Foods that are fresh, safe and look appealing get bought off the shell faster.

Therefore, beyond colours and textures, the quality of the plastic food wrap plays an important role in marketing your products on the shelf too.

Well, we certainly will think twice about buying meat or fresh produce that are filled with water vapours in the packaging. Our imagination has already ruined its taste even before we have the chance to savour it. 

The higher the visibility of the food packaging, the more appealing the product becomes.  


But the Common Problem With Plastic Wrap Packing is Choice

However, packers and hypermarkets often face a common issue when it comes to wrapping food. 

Do you choose between high clarity plastic food wraps or tinted film?  

Since colours play an important role in internal sorting and consumer buying, having tinted film does help to boost the value and perception of the item. 

However, tinted films do not mean high transparency. 

High transparent films are not too appealing as they lack colour – affecting the aesthetics of the food item because of its rawness or shelf-life conditions. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if there is a way to combine both features? 


The Power Of Klarity: An Amazing Food Wrap That Makes Your Food Look So Good! 

With a combination of colour tinted films and high transparency, we have created a way to get the best of both worlds. 

Thong Guan has created an innovative plastic food wrap that aesthetically appeals to curious onlookers and is highly visible! Since it’s so transparent, it is excellent for your branding too! 

Unlike conventional blown films, Klarity is made through cast technology and has over 90% transparency—it’s so clear your food never looked this good. 

It comes in two coloured tints:

  • Green for fruits & vegetables produces 
  • Blue for meat & poultry products

Even production work will be easier too! 

With the high-gloss, blue and green-tinted food wraps, your team’s productivity will increase in discerning the wrap for the correct application. 

Klarity is made from PVC and the many benefits of it. 

Don’t worry about freshness. 

A Life Cycle Assessment carried out by LCE has shown how PVC cling films help reduce food waste and reduce plastics environmental effects. Besides its functional, technical, and ecological performance, PVC helps to extend food’s useful life. It helps minimise food waste and losses at retail and consumer levels. 

It comes with a good grip for your wrapping that will keep your food fresh and safe longer.

Here are reasons why Klarity is your choice plastic food wrap:

  • High gloss & clarity (>90% transparency) – designed through cast technology
  • Aesthetically pleasing & excellent for branding
  • Keeps your food safe & fresh – especially meats and greens
  • High permeability – Keeps foods fresh and 
  • No unsightly condensation that causes bacteria and microorganism growths
  • Tinted for fast identification & application
  • Easy dispensing for productivity
  • Excellent cling for secure wrapping
  • Transparent – you can see your branding right through to its paper core
  • Reduces consumption and waste of materials – efficient use of natural resources
  • Food grade compliance – FDA & EU Standards

What Makes Klarity a Different Class of Plastic Wrap Packaging?

So what makes us unique? 

  1. High-Clarity: It’s visually appealing! Klarity is first in the market for tinted food films with high clarity for branding & quality sensitivity (so clear you can even see right to the paper core)
  2. Enhancements: Aesthetic is one thing, but we can tweak your film to go beyond looks. Ask us how we can customise it to make it better for you. 
  3. Better Mechanical Properties: Unlike traditional blown film, we use cast technology that brings out its superior properties. With this, we can give you improved cling too, which helps you keep your foods safe, secured, intact and ready to be consumed by your users.


A Food Wrap That Is Eco-Friendly And Sustainable

Since Klarity is a PVC based cling film, it is 100% recyclable too! 90% of PVC is being recycled both internally and externally. How cool is that? 

A new Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study also confirms that PVC cling films can preserve food and contribute to avoiding food waste. 

With this, users are also in line with the guides and priorities of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

You can play a part too to ensure plastic packaging can co-exist with a safe and green world- plus reach your sustainability goals too. 


Klarity: Food Never Looked So Good

With Klarity food wrap, you don’t have to choose between clarity or tint anymore. You can have the best of both worlds—and reach your sustainable goals too! 

Having high transparency and tinted food wrap films will benefit your customers and help speed up internal sortings at the same time. 

Need more clarity? It’s time to have a conversation at

Food Wrap Klarity Thong Guan

Myths About Stretch Film: Thinner Equals Better?

Myths About Stretch film

The rising myths about stretch films and the misconceptions on choosing the right film tend to confuse many. As a result, the benefits of stretch films becomes rather vague. 

So let us look at some common myths about stretch film and what really matters to distributors and brand owners. 

Stretch-film is highly in demand. Markets have risen from 250 million pounds per year to 500 million pounds between 1985 and 1990. It then swelled to 1 billion pounds, from 1990 to 1995. 

Today, the film market is forecast to increase 1.4% yearly to 2.8 billion pounds – valued at USD4.1 billion – in 2024, and that is just in the US alone. 

Despite its growth, many are still trying to understand how stretch film works and the best ways to reduce packaging costs to gain more at the bottom line. 

Typically, these are some of the common myths about stretch film distributors and end-users are facing:

  • Thicker means stronger 
  • Thinner multilayered films are better
  • Cheap stretch films reduce costing and save you money 
  • Thickness defines quality
  • Hand-wrapping is cheaper than Machine wrapping

We covered an article on the 8 Myths About Stretch Films that everyone should know about to highlight these common misunderstandings. 

Though these are commonly debunked misconceptions, many still think thinner multilayered films “should be better.” 

More layers means better holding force and protection right? 

Wrong. Let’s uncover more below.

Uncovering Myths About Stretch Films: Is Thinner Better?

Whether thinner is better or not differs. 

It depends on the situation. 

Does the load need more revolutions of wrap or will thicker films help optimize your wraps? 

The truth is wrapping your product with thin multilayered film does not mean better protection for your goods. 

For optimal wrapping, you need to use the right film with the right wrapping method for your load. 

What about the number of layers within the stretch film itself? 

The stretch film market is constantly innovating. 

There is a shift towards multi-layer co-extruded film creations. These films are designed to further improve technical properties such as tear and puncture resistance levels.

But multi-layered films doesn’t mean nano films. They are micron thin and highly elastic to wrap objects and hold them in place on pallets.

The convergence of polymer science, machine technology, and application advancement has led to significant downgauging opportunities.

Thinner gauge films are amazing! They have the same benefits, do the job just as well, and even help save costs too. 

But What Is Nano Stretch Film? 

They are made from thin plastic layers of material spanning from a fraction of a nanometer to several micrometres of multilayered stretch films.

The principal advantage of nano stretch film is that it allows a pallet’s thickness to be reduced while retaining a strong holding force.

However, not ALL films are the same and there are still some myths about stretch films in the market. 

Here are three common myths and the truths behind it

1. Maximum stretch means maximum performance

Unfortunately, maximum stretch ratios do not equal minimum cost or maximum performance. Rather than an increased stretch level, its pallet stability ensures the most cost-effective pallet. 

2. The more layers, the better

Thin multi-layer stretch films are not always superior to other film types. However, they perform well if you produce them properly (with the right materials, production, and process).

With the right process, the production process is always smooth and the pallet loads are always steady. The key to controlling costs is consistency.

3. It is always better to use thin films

Using thin films is great, but it does not always ensure pallet stability. A stable load on a pallet requires the same weight as thin and thick films.

Because thicker film requires fewer wraps, pallets require fewer wrappings. The thicker the film, the lesser the risk of damage. However, this requires extra film consumption and more production time too.

This is why Thong Guan emphasises quality over layers. 

We have invested heavily in stretch films research, innovation and a top-notch testing lab to help you achieve optimum wrapping.  

Here are Some Features of Our Multilayered Stretch Film 

  • Thin but tough: Nano stretch film is thin but tougher at the same time. It has an excellent holding and containment force for pallet load stability.
  • Adaptable. It can be easily adapted to match wrapping machines.
  • Since you use less stretch film, you can reduce your cost per load.
  • Excellent durability against puncture and tearing the perforation
  • Since its thin, less shelf space needed
  • Excellent holding force (when correct wrappers’ settings).
  • Eco-friendly: Consumes less film 

Myths About Stretch Film Busted: What Are The Benefits Of Multilayered Film To Users? 

  • Businesses throughout the value chain can benefit from this new leap in technology. Multilayered technologies can have an additional productivity boost and offer greater flexibility.
  • Brand owners benefit from source reduction in packaging materials. Operations are more productive. More packaging impressions are produced per roll of film. 
  • Retailers experience better consumer attention with attractive high-clarity packaging.

Our Nano Series has helped businesses save effort and gain more speed on their packaging. You get better protection due to greater holding force and less downtime due to consistency during wrapping. These are “invisible” costs that you now don’t have to worry about. 

We know it would greatly help distributors, manufacturers, and logistics businesses with everyday wrapping processes so precious goods are safe, secure, and protected. 

While there are many thin-layered stretch films available, we strive to formulate the best materials that can enhance elongation, propagation, and puncture properties to benefit our customers. 

Garbage in, garbage out – cheap material equals cheap quality, resulting in damages, breaks, and additional costs. 

With good quality multilayered films, you will enjoy performance, consistency, and the advantages of using thin film with the benefits thick films give. 

Do More With Less: Breaking Myths About Stretch Films

The desire to do more with less is now a possibility. 

With flexible stretch films with multiplayer properties, thicker does not necessarily mean stronger anymore. 

Films can now be made thinner yet tougher to keep your loads safe.

Do you still believe that all thinner multilayered films are better?

Then, it’s time for a chat.

Let us show you, with data, how nano films can be superior for your load containment needs.

Contact us at for more info or to enquire more today.

What are the Differences Between Shrink Wrapping vs. Vacuum Sealing?

shrink film on water bottles

shrink film on water bottles

Shrink wrap (also known as stretch film, shrink seal or stretch wrap) is a versatile polymer material used for the packaging of finished goods.

Vacuum seal, on the other hand, is a method of packaging that removes air from the package before sealing. Both shrink wrap and vacuum packaging are popular packaging techniques in the plastic industry.

However, shrink bags and vacuum pouches should not be confused as they have a similar appearance.

In this post, we are pleased to list the differences and the similarities between shrink wrapping and vacuum packaging.


Shrink Wrap vs Vacuum Seal: What are the Differences?

It is important to know the differences between shrink wrap and vacuum sealing. Here, we outline three notable differences. They are:


1. Absence of oxygen

This is one of the most obvious differences between these two types of packaging. Vacuum packaging uses an air nozzle to remove all or the majority of air or oxygen from a package before creating a tight seal.

The absence of oxygen is needed to naturally preserve consumable products and increase the shelf life of food products.

On the other hand, shrink wrapping requires heating the wrapping to create a tight seal which eventually traps air and oxygen inside it.

The conformed look of the shrink seal appears to be absent of oxygen, which isn’t correct. However, the package is not completely sealed from external elements.

This is because small vent holes are created within the shrink wrap to allow air to escape the package.


2. The kind of machinery used

Both shrink wrapping and vacuum sealing use heat sealing. However, the machinery used to carry out this process during production is entirely different.

For shrink wrapping, the machine used helps to heat the entire package to create the seal. Contrarily, only the sealed part requires heat for vacuum sealing.

Both shrink wrapping and vacuum sealing machines are not freely substitutable.


3. Thickness of materials

Stretch wrap and vacuum sealing use flexible packaging to enclose the packaged product. In vacuum packaging, the flexible packaging rolls or bags are much thicker than those used in shrink packaging.

Vacuum bags are typically four times thicker than most materials used for shrink packaging.


Shrink Wrap vs Vacuum Seal: What are the Similarities?

After learning the differences between shrink wrapping and vacuum packaging, it is important to also note the similarities between these two types of packaging.

The appearance of vacuum seal and shrink wraps are quite similar, which can lead to the misconception that they are the same. Check out these four similarities.


a. Transparent packaging

You are probably familiar with the glossy shrink films used to package bottles. Vacuum pouches and shrink bags use clear bags or plastic polymer film during packaging.

This allows the consumer to see the product inside the packaging. Although there are exceptions, the majority of heat shrink and vacuum packaged products use a clear film.


b. Used for food packaging

Both vacuum packaging and stretch film are often used for packaging foods and consumable items.


c. Heat sealing

Both types of packaging use heat sealing to enclose the product within the packaging. The open ends of the packages are sealed after inserting the product.

When heat is applied, both packaging shrinks tightly over whatever it is covering.


d. Conformed finish

In both types of packaging, an exterior film is used to conform to the shape of the product being packaged.


Final Thoughts

This post explains the similarities and differences between shrink wrapping and vacuum sealing.

Don’t let the similarities confuse you, both shrink wrapping and vacuum packaging are two different types of packaging handled by different pallet wrapping machines.

Ultimately, the primary difference between vacuum packaging and shrink wrapping is that vacuum pouches are perfect for meats, vegetables, and other perishable food items while shrink wrapping is ideal for water bottles, DVDs, and other non-food items.

Sustainability Goals: Why We Are Moving To Plastic Pallets

The benefits of the use of plastic pallets

Have you ever heard of the use of plastic pallets?

That’s right. 

You can now replace the typical wooden pallets in almost all light to heavy industrial use with plastic ones.

There are ample benefits not just for your sustainability goals but the total cost in the long run as well.

If you are still unsure or have not heard about plastics pallets and the benefits you could reap from using plastic pallets, then this article is for you.

How and Why the Use of Plastic Pallets? 

You can ship any products like wooden pallets can with plastic pallets—transportation, packaging, storage, and even to support displays in stores. 

No doubt, wood pallets are still in demand for it’s conventional and proven means to get the job done. 

However, demands for plastic pallets are also on the rise, for good reasons. 

Ironically, it’s not about using fewer plastics, but more about the benefits it offers. 

Usually, wood pallets are disposed of in a landfill at the end of their useful lives. Plastic pallets, on the other hand, last longer and are more durable. Plastic waste can produce new pallets that can be reused repeatedly, contributing to a closed-loop supply chain system. 

Plastic pallets support the circular business model because it keeps plastics back inside the supply chain.

What are some of the common disadvantages of wooden pallets compared to the use of plastic pallets?

  • Not durable – Pallets cannot be reused again and again. Being organic, the lifetime of wood pallet is short, and it will eventually rot (not built to last)
  • Damages and repairs – Once a wooden pallet is damaged, it is hard to salvage
  • Wooden pallets come from trees– the fewer trees chopped, the better it is for nature  
  • Protection of contamination– There is also contamination and infestation of insects and termites for the food and medical industry. Imagine wooden pallets in a damp and sugary condition at an ice cream factory. That does not sound very hygienic, right? 


What Are the Benefits of the Use of Plastic Pallets? 

Plastic pallets can be made from 100% recycled plastic and do what wood pallet does. 

It is best used to transport medication packages, fresh and frozen foods, and other items that require strict hygienic conditions. Pallets made of plastic do not absorb moisture as wood does. They are easy to wash, disinfect and clean – perfect for those who need sanitary and pristine conditions. 

Pallets made of plastics are eco-friendly since they are durable and have a longer useful life span than wood. Standard wooden pallets last around 3-5 years, while plastic pallets can last up to 10 years (or 250 trips). 

Users appreciate that plastic pallets can be reused many times without breaking, making them ideal for storage and re-use in warehouses. Besides being light, sleek, and splinter-free, they are also easy to handle. Its durability makes it an ideal choice for pallet wrapping machine usage.

TL,DR: Here is a list of benefits to gain by using plastic pallets:

  • Sustainable usage – Plastic pallets can be utilized repeatedly. If it gets dirty, it can easily be washed thoroughly and re-used. You can opt for 100% recycled materials too. 
  • Plastic pallets are easier to transport – Plastic pallets are less likely to become damaged after repeated transportations than wood pallets are. Compared to wooden pallets of the same size and design, plastic pallets weigh about 27% less. The lighter weight also means less shipping fees. 
  • Recyclable and reusable – You can easily recycle plastic pallets once worn out. It can be broken down and reproduced with 100% recycled material.
  • Safer for everyone – Plastic pallets are safer than wood pallets. You do not have to deal with splinters, nails, and broken panels. Your packages will be better protected, and operatives enjoy a safer working environment.
  • Infestation and insects free – There is no need to fumigate wooden pallets. Unlike wood, plastic pallets don’t have insect infestations nor contaminations. 
  • Hygienic and does not decompose – Plastic pallets play a significant role in dust sensitive item industries such as food & medical because they are susceptible to pollutants. Unlike wood, it does not absorb moisture, so there are no more concerns like rot, odour absorption, and fumigation. 


Conclusion: Moving Towards A Better Option 

Today, it is clear that plastic pallets have so much more to offer than traditional wood pallets.

With plastic pallets, you can gain more than you think. Over the long run, you save money and show that you care about the environment. 

Now is the right time to become part of the closed-loop supply chain. Together, we can shape the future of global supply chain solutions. 

Contact us at and let us show you how.

True Cost Of Film Packaging: It’s Less Than You Think

what is the true cost of film packaging

Do you know the true cost of film packaging for your business?

The question is one that is often asked but often left unanswered. With global e-commerce sales reaching $3.5 trillion in 2019, companies are looking to lower expenditures while taking advantage of this shift in momentum. 

When it comes to cost reduction, businesses will always cut the packaging cost. 

Thus, stretch film prices are often based on price per kilogram. 

The lower, the better. 

This seems sensible. 

After all, the function of films seems similar enough, so “cheaper” helps lower costs and does the job just as well, right? 

Wrong. And here’s why. In this article, we look at your costs holistically, starting from the true cost of your packaging.

Understanding the true cost of film packaging means knowing the actual price of wrapping each pallet. 

Otherwise, you will most likely be spending more than you should. 

It matters not what you pay for your film coming in the front door; the only cost is the per pallet price going out.

In short, when you know the actual cost per pallet going out, the purchase price is not as important anymore. 


How Is The True Cost Of Film Packaging Calculated?

Businesses in the supply chain have lots of options when it comes to stretch film packaging these days. 

And indeed, everybody wants the lowest cost and best savings because besides delivery. After all, a profitable bottom line is essential, and one of the ways to do that is to keep packaging expenses at a minimum. 

Besides that, here is a list of costs that usually adds to your bottom line:

  • Packaging – Materials used and how pallets are wrapped when being shifted out 
  • Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Reputation – Goods that are damaged because of insufficient packaging doesn’t leave a good impression and damages your market authority
  • Transport Costs – Your packaging size, mode of transport, distance, weight, and requirements determine the shipping cost at the end of the day. 
  • Labour Expenses – How much labour it takes to wrap your packages? Some packaging materials could be more labour-intensive too. 
  • Product Replacement Expenses – Fragile products require attention and excellent care. It is expensive to replace them, and that requires more packaging protection to safeguard them. 
  • Floor Space – Space equals money. With more space, there are more storage capacities and work areas, resulting in higher yields and productivity. Creating additional space is beneficial to your business. 


Let’s Talk About The True Cost Of Stretch Film Packaging

As an experienced player in the supply chain, you probably already know that pallet wraps vary considerably in performance and requirements. Different pallet load profiles and wrap requirements require different amounts of wrap to secure the load. 

With these variations, there is no specific amount to pinpoint when evaluating roll prices. This is not the case of one size fits all. 

Indeed, everyone wants to keep packaging costs low. However, the overall cost of packaging goes further than mere materials costs. 

When the excitement of “low cost” dwindles, and look at the rationale, rolls could be priced that way because they mostly have less film. 

It may be because they are of lower quality too.

Less film does not just mean you have less film to utilize per roll. It also entails more ordering, extra roll changes, more transport, more cores, more pallets, more machine downtime, and more labour costs.  

That is a lot more and doesn’t seem to help with your sustainable goals, neither is for your overall cost. 


Film Quality: Stretchability and Quality Factors in Your Costing

Film quality is a factor we cannot exclude.   Here are some facts about it:

  • Averagely, businesses utilize 200% more stretch film than needed
  • 4% of all palletized goods damaged on arrival
  • 25% of accidents concerning trucks are caused by falling or moving cargo
  • Every film breakage averagely costs 15 Euros

Some stretch films on the market can stretch over 400%, while some fall short at 180%. Similarly, if your current machine setup can stretch up to 200%, it does not make sense to buy a film that can stretch 300%.  

Stretchability and roll price may be attractive. 

However, it does not mean that your total expenditure will also go down. It may just be the other way round. 


Here are a few other things you may need in your list when determining the cost of stretch film packaging.

Damages can be prevented through quality.

When you purchase poor quality films, you always worry about the unsafe environment of pallets falling over when on the road. This is because inferior films tend to tear easily, causing unwanted damages to goods. 

This is something you do not want to see in your delivery reports. 

Not only is it risky, but it also means potentially spending more than expected. 

Poorly graded stretch films don’t save cost. Instead, you will unnecessarily use more film than you should. Commonly, businesses use 20% more load packaging film than needed to ensure safe deliveries. 

However, this may not help in contributing to reaching your sustainable goals. 

The effects of these small details on the environment make us concerned. Living sustainably should be our goal. 

Poor quality stretch films may seem economical at first, but in truth, it costs more than meets the eye.

If your packaging material isn’t safe enough, your products may be damaged by the time they reach their destination. Additionally, there is compensation for damaged products returned. 

There goes the idea of saving because of choosing cheaper poor-quality films. 

In summary, what are the other costs of choosing cheaper stretch films?

  • Brand Image – Will it damage the reputation and image of your brand? 
  • Trustworthiness – Will your customers continue to trust you? 
  • Effectiveness – Will packaged goods be protected as they should? 
  • Additional Costs – Will there be worries of surprise costs that pop up due to damages or other matters? 
  • Protection – Will your goods truly be protected, and will your customers be satisfied with the effort you had given for protection? 
  • Goods – Will the film be suitable for the types of goods that you are packaging? 

Many factories, distribution centres, and companies that run a lot of automation tend to overlook the total cost of protective packaging when evaluating options. Choosing the wrong material could cost you even more, driving up unexpected product replacement, labour, shipping, and storage costs.


Quality Film Saves and Serves You Better

At Thong Guan, we can help businesses like you choose quality stretch films that fit your products, transportation, machinery, labour, and optimization needs through data and intelligent insights. 

Quality films mean more savings, less plastic waste, and a cleaner and greener world. Contact us at so we can talk about the true cost of your film packaging. 

Together we can achieve better Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), save cost, and reach sustainability goals.

Sustainability In The Plastic Industry: Is It Possible?

sustainability in the plastic industry

There is a growing movement around the topic of sustainability in the plastic industry. 

We know that many people have voiced their concerns about how plastic pollution and waste greatly affect the ocean’s pollution level. 

An alarming report by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation on the New Plastics Economy says that there would be more microplastics in the oceans than there are fish by 2050 and everyone is extremely concerned about it.

There is much pressure to reduce and stop using single-use plastics to reduce their harm to the environment, and the pandemic is not helping. 

The demand for plastics, including medical uses, is expected to increase by 40% in packaging and 17% in other applications.

However, unknown to some, there are equally many others who are standing up. 

They are heeding the call of going green and championing the need for sustainability. 

These unsung heroes are also the players from the plastic packaging industry because they care about the environment.

Following the circular economy and polymer recycling dialogue, International E-Chem Chairman Paul Hodges expressed that there’s still a lot of work that has to be done in a minimal time. 

“It’s very clear there’s a paradigm shift going on in the industry. Companies are waking up to the fact that waste plastics are a big issue — one that’s not going to go away. Single-use plastics are going to be in the firing line for the next few years — and business models simply must change

This focus has gained substantial momentum, and we can see more players from the plastics supply chain committing to this movement as the world pushes for greener initiatives and circularity. 

Challenges faced by the plastic industry in the sustainability space

Undoubtedly, plastics are an essential part of our everyday lives, and they are here to stay. 

Plastic products come in all shapes and sizes, from the plastic bags we use to carry our groceries home to the packaging materials that come with our new gadgets and toys. 

Plastic also keeps us safe, as it is widely used in the medical field, especially during this dangerous time of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

We have seen an increase in its medical use in parts of the world, such as in Spain, Catalonia, and China, with an increment of 350% and 370%, respectively.

A survey research on plastic sustainability facts by ScienceDirect was conducted on several plastic manufacturing companies. This study aimed to discover the significant obstacles affecting sustainable plastic solid waste (PSW) recovery and recycling. 

The results of that study showed that the major obstacles were: 

  • Market share – Relatively small local and regional markets for recycled plastics

  • Cost and capacity – Lack of collection capacity 

  • Technology – Slow pace of technology upgrading

  • Quality and demand – Lack of quality testing facilities and high-quality demand for recycled materials

  • Legislation and environmental concerns – Negative society image towards the plastic industries and lack of design for the environment

How The Plastic Industry Is Working Towards Sustainability in The Plastic Industry

Even with such challenges, the production of plastic must still go on. 

Today we generate almost 400 million tons of plastics yearly. Global population increase and a growing middle class indicate that the need for packaging and plastic products is set to rise three-fold the amount in just a few decades.

Plastic still plays an essential role and meets the needs of businesses and daily life. It is a reliable and inexpensive way for stakeholders to produce everyday necessities to provide for the larger global community that is effective and inexpensive. 

There are some single-use plastics that can be totally eliminated like straws, plastic bags, plates, cutlery, and stir sticks—there are some plastics that are still very much needed, particularly stretch films. These are plastics that are helpful to keep our packages protected, secured, and safely delivered. 

Governments and stakeholders are working on strategic measures to tackle the challenges of the earth’s plastic woes to maintain sustainability in the plastic industry.


These are some of the efforts we, at Thong Guan, are taking towards our sustainability culture and strategy: 

Thong Guan is working towards sustainability and transformative goals because we believe in plastic circularity.

Please see the summary LiveGreen Launch & Sharing Session on Plastic & Sustainability

This is why we launch our #LiveGreen campaign to empower our commitment to making sustainability possible for our customers and partners in this industry. Here are some of our current efforts:

  • (RE:DO) Recycling and reuse of waste matter – Recycling post-industrial and post-consumer waste (PCW) will help put plastics back into life by being recycled and repurposed. Reducing the usage of virgin plastics will help reduce waste reduction from the number of new plastics that are manufactured daily. 

  • (RE:DUCE) Reduce – The reduction of plastics by using coreless products and thinner gauges will help reduce plastic waste. 

  • (TG Bio) Using biobased resources – Harnessing the force of renewable feedstock from raw materials like corn starch (PTH – Ethylene) into plastic will help lower synthetic materials with natural resources. Less artificial, more nature is good for our environment. 

  • (TG Bag2Earth) Compostable products – Self-composting plastic waste that breaks down will help combat typical plastic waste that never breaks down. Microbes will naturally consume these plastics. They will not end up lying somewhere in the ground forever like any regular plastic.

How can we make plastic more sustainable?

Yes indeed, we can make plastic more sustainable by recycling the reuse of other waste as raw materials to be reused as plastics again! We may not have reached the 100% mark yet, but with time and technology, we are surely getting there. It does take strategic effort from all stakeholders to spur changes of circularity in the plastic industry. 

The future of plastic manufacturing lies in creating more sustainable plastic products made from recycled, biobased, and compostable materials that can be reprocessed into new products or decomposed back into the earth. 

As a global plastic manufacturer, Thong Guan is also playing our part in innovating plastic products to be more environmentally friendly for all through our sustainable plastic products. 

We are committed to progress our #LiveGreen initiative to move the global plastic market to green-friendly objectives. 

Here are some ways that we can help you achieve your sustainable goals: 

Bolt – Dependable and Consistent

  • Our latest hand stretch film dispenser helps reduce the amount of film used and helps maximize shipping and shelf space. 

  • Bolt is consistent, easy to use, and comfortable when handling. It is a fatigue fighter that operators can use with ease. 

  • Lite and conveniently handles thin gauge stretch film to help you dispense pre-stretched film on a dispenser. 

  • The bolt handles light (as low as 5um) to heavy loads (7.4um gauge films are not an issue at all) and wraps to the bottom to keep your pallet safe and secure. 

Nano Zero – Zero Yet Mighty

  • Nano Zero is possibly the greenest stretch film you can get, especially when you order them bio-based.
  • Made without paper cores, you can potentially eliminate 200 grams per paper core. That a whopping 72 kg on a 360 cores pallet. 

  • It is cost-effective, strong, suitable for stretch film packaging, and makes achieving your sustainability goals much more attainable.

  • It is thin-gauge pre-stretched that prevents work hazards where operators can handle manual wrapping with ease. 

  • With its nano-layered structure properties, it is built for toughness.

Maxstrech Green – Uncompromised Quality For The Environment

  • Our Maxstrech Green from our Maxstretch series is cost-effective and uses less film consumption per pallet. 

  • Less film doesn’t mean lesser quality. It performs the same and lesser plastics into the environment. 

  • It uses film from 30% recycle contents and thin gauge (10 – 15 um and below), which will help reduce plastic waste. Its stiff film property enables you to gain optimal load containment and the ultimate performance for your machine film wraps. 

Compostable Plastic Bags – Reducing Carbon Emissions 

We also believe that flexible packaging like plastic bags should be made compostable and biodegradable to break down and decompose after it has served its purpose. It helps to reduce carbon emissions during the production process. 

Usually used for food waste, compostable bags are now gaining popularity. New Zealand has started a waste management initiative to separate food refuse in a special compostable bag and bin for food waste collection. Waste will then be sorted out and disposed of accordingly. 

Compostable bags will help break down single-use plastic to reduce plastic waste. 

Creating sustainability in the plastic industry with a circular economy 

When the inevitable usage of plastic increases, we must step up the plate to make a difference. One party alone cannot win this fight for sustainability and the building of circularity for remanufacturing. 

We invite all stakeholders in the plastics industry to join hands with us in promoting our cause to #LiveGreen while fulfilling consumer preferences for a cleaner and greener earth. 

Let us connect and show you how we can help you achieve your sustainability through waste reduction and economic feasibility goals too. 

Contact us at for more info on #LiveGreen programs or products.

The COVID-19 Vaccine’s Logistical Distribution Challenges in Malaysia

cold transport vaccine

Every country around the world is still reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries in Asia, including Malaysia, are also looking for modern solutions to overcome a variety of challenges in the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Most countries have already signed a number of agreements with drug manufacturers to obtain vaccines as soon as possible. Yet, there are still many challenges to distributing the vaccines globally, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. 

The primary distribution challenge is associated with the fact that the vaccines from companies such as Pfizer need extremely low storage temperatures to ensure the proper efficacy. This requirement has resulted in numerous large-scale logistical issues in Malaysia and many other countries.


Storage Issues

Once the government obtains a sufficient number of vaccines, the next challenge is to store them without compromising their quality and efficacy. It is important to have essential medical equipment such as glass vials, syringes, and containers that can be used to store and transport vaccines.

The authorities must spend a considerable amount of money on establishing large pharmaceutical warehouses equipped with the required tools to store COVID-19 vaccines. The use of stretch films or stretch wraps has also increased because this type of packaging material is typically sturdy enough to package the common medical equipment.

Temperature Control

Maintaining cold temperatures for COVID-19 vaccine storage and transportation is important. Low-income markets are facing challenges in this area because controlling the temperature of the end-to-end pipeline is extremely difficult.

The government is obtaining help from global logistics companies such as UPS and DHL to ensure proper solutions are implemented to deal with the logistical challenges of COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

Companies are also looking for modern and innovative packaging solutions other than the traditional stretch film or stretch wrap. One of the best cold-chain wrapping solutions is Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films.


Cold Chain Packaging with Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films

The following three factors impact cold-chain packaging solutions:

  1. If the product has to maintain particular physical qualities at a suitable temperature and other weather-related conditions, then cold-chain packaging solutions are useful in maintaining the ideal temperature. 
  2. The location at which the products are manufactured and where they are being transported heavily impacts the way a product is packaged. 
  3. The overall supply chain and distribution channels should be considered when choosing a suitable cold-chain packaging solution. 

The Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic cold-chain wrapping film is a highly useful packaging solution with maximum clarity and visibility, making it easier to examine the packaged products. Companies prefer it due to its reliable branding options.

Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films are beneficial in mitigating the challenges associated with COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Malaysia because it can keep the products’ temperature within a specific range.

Generally, cold-chain temperatures range from 2°C to 8°C for goods such as fruits and environmentally sensitive products. However, in the case of the vaccines, like the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, having a –70°C cold chain is important.

Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films are much better than conventional stretch films or stretch wraps because it has additional clinging properties that make it suitable in freezing temperatures for a variety of products, including the vaccine.

Benefits of Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Film

Using Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Film allows manufacturers and distributors to keep products fresh and protect their quality during the entire storage and transportation process. As a result, companies are also able to cut down on temperature-based damages. 

Moreover, Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films are significantly stronger than a simple stretch film as it provides exceptional support and protection to products like glass vials. Even when Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic film is used in temperature-controlled rooms, the film will firmly stick to each other. 

In a Nutshell

Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films are one of the most reliable and efficient cold chain wrapping solutions that are beneficial for extremely low-temperature refrigerants like the COVID-19 vaccines.

Companies can rely on the Nano Arctic freezer film to resolve a variety of distribution challenges. This makes Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic Freezer Films extremely useful to store and transport COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia while maintaining vaccines stability.