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Corporate Social Responsibilities

It has been the aspirations of our founding father to give back to the community.

We hold dear to such aspirations that it is our duty to be responsible for the place, the ties and the foundation of which we were brought up from.

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We believe in striking a harmonious balance between our business pursuits and our social responsibility towards the society.

As such, we have adopted this in our core values to create the synergy to be an active corporate citizen.

We practice sustainability by carrying out our business operations responsibly and create a positive impact in the community through investment in education, sports, community care, environmental projects, and occupational safety and health.

Over the years, we have been supporting education, charities and other meaningful social causes through direct donations and in-kind support.

Through these efforts, we hope to not only foster community spirit but also encourage our employees and business associates to be actively involved in these programmes.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Mission

  • Support the community through pedagogical practice among the employees via on-the-job training and strategic job placements
  • Improve resource efficiency and promote environmental sustainability through strategic application of sustainable management
  • Promote workplace wellbeing and employee safety, encourage good practices among employees and business associates


Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes



Internship Programme

Every year, we recruit students as an internship initiative.

Students from both local and international colleges, technical schools, and universities are selected for industrial and practical training in various departments including production, engineering, administration, and finance.

We also offer vacation job opportunities for students during their long semester breaks.


The programme enables students to make use of their learning in the real working world.

The internship programme is an educational platform for hands-on experience and on-the-job training.

The initiative also gives students a head start in their career as suitable trainees are immediately offered job opportunities upon completion of their tertiary studies.

Community Care


Plant Tour

In our commitment towards community development and life-long education, we welcome social groups and learning institutions to our manufacturing plants, both to our plastic packaging and beverage processing factories for educational trips.

We have hosted senior citizens and students from various associations and schools over the years.



On a yearly basis, we offer support to the underprivileged and less fortunate with donations in goods and cash.

We have also sponsored a building fund and cash donations to various non-profitable and charitable institutions including schools, sports associations, and non-governmental organisations.

Charity Dinner in Aid of Special Kids

Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Khas Sungai Petani (PKKK) was set up in 1982 as a day care centre in a rented bungalow in Sungai Layar by a group of concerned citizens.

Their aim is to provide for the needs of five mentally challenged children of various races. In 1984, PKKK with more children under its care moved to Taman Nuri.It now has 49 students, ages between 5 and 23.

600 people attended the Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Khas Caring Hearts Dinner which was held at SJK(C) Sin Kwang school hall in Bakar Arang on 27 August 2016.

The bigger contributor was Thong Guan Industries Berhad (Registration No. 199401038519 (324203-K)) which kickstarted the fundraising by giving RM30,000 as part of company’s corporate social responsibility initiative.

Environmental, Occupational Safety, and Health

Upholding our corporate mission in creating a safe and healthy working environment, we have incorporated an efficient environmental management system to ensure sustainable business planning and development.

Compliance Adherence

We recognise that we have a commitment to the people who use our products and to the people we employ.

We have taken initiatives to move our businesses toward more environmentally and socially responsible practices.

We ensure the safety and health of our employees while they are at work by complying with the standards laid down in the Malaysian Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 as well as the Environment Quality Act, 1974.


By putting our methodologies into practice, we were duly awarded the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification since the year 2006.

We believe that by integrating environmental, health and safety considerations into our business practices, we can improve our business efficiency, increase our value as a business group, and grow our business in an ethical and sustainable manner.

Motivation Training

To create more dynamic, loyal & energised workforce.

To improve job performance & productivity, fewer work place issue, better problem solving, progress and the realisation of goals.

Total Quality Management

To understand quality standards essential to enable an organisation to survive and prosper.

To learn the ways that organisation culture and employee attitudes can adversely affect the quality operation.

To understand the infrastructure requires to support a TQM process and active commitment and involvement needed from everyone to making TQM a success.

Pre-Hospital Medical Care First Aid Training

To reform the ordinary lay personnel onto the potential and confident medical emergency responder.

To rendering proper and correct assistance immediately during accidents and emergencies which can happen anywhere, at any time.

Basic Fire Fighting

To enhance awareness of Fire Safety, Prevention, Protection and Emergency preparedness in their place of work.