Packaging Testing Methods: Optimizing Packaging Needs

packaging testing methods

Packing and packaging testing methods have become increasingly important considerations for e-commerce. 

Since the global COVID19 pandemic, many shoppers have switched their shopping habits. It is now the norm for end-users to order goods from both local and international sellers. 

It has pushed e-commerce trading in reaching new transactional volumes.

According to a report by Digital Commerce 360, online sales has added $105 billion in U.S. online revenue in 2020, accelerating its growth two years ahead of its expected development time.

The producers of e-commerce, like Amazon, Taobao, Lazada, and Shopee, have a tremendous volume of transactions, which are popular and highly in demand. 

Online shopping has also become increasingly fashionable. If the product’s delivered packaging does not look intact as promised, it will affect the platform’s reputation and product sales. 

To ensure you have the right results delivered, you need to make sure that your packaging is optimized. 

Common Problems Ecommerce Business Face

What are some of the problems that e-commerce businesses may encounter? Some of these you may sound very familiar to you:

  • Customer complains. Customers can be your number one fan, but what happens when they have negative feedbacks on carton damages? Courier service providers and merchants will surely hear about it – worst still if they write on public reviews. 
  • Reduction in damages and product loss When a carton is damaged, your customers may raise a red flag and reject the shipment. That is an extra cost to revert shipment and to repackage your goods. You would also get your revenue on time when products go to market as planned. 
  • ISTA 6 –Series– Many companies are still unable to send goods to other countries because they cannot conduct ISTA testing standards as per customer’s requested for shipment documents. Logistically, you would need to show your datasheet to the related customs to prove that the goods are in good condition before allowing you to ship out. 
  • QC testing – Pay Attention to customer demands is essential, and some may want to change new packing types or even pick new vendors but want to maintain the package’s quality. To do that, they would need to know the packaging strength, like paper and cartons, to maintain proper quality control through testing. 
  • High Packing cost – The cost for packing is undoubtedly expensive but paying for the wrong one is worst. But how do you determine if you are paying for the most suitable packing for your needs? Testing your packaging will help identify the appropriate protection levels and optimize the amount of packaging materials – balancing your long-term cost. By sending a sample of your goods for various testing, results can help determine the best packing choice which works best for your packing cost.

Testing your Packaging Matters to Your Business

Testing your packaging is essential because some processes during the distribution cycle can risk the product’s stability. Carrying out rigorous tests to assess the packaging builds your goods’ marketability and confidence of your customers. 

Although a product can be technically perfect, packaging defects can lead to its failure. First impressions are essential and visual appeal is key in driving consumer behavior. 

Ensuring that your product packaging is perfect goes a long way. Without it, you risk product damage during shipping or even without the proper protection at all. 

Your product may be shipped in a condition that makes customers think twice about buying from you again.

Your packaging must be strong enough to withstand the demands of environmental and transportation conditions while remaining safe and secure, as promised. Testing your packages gives you confidence that your packaging will be able to safeguard your goods from damage or degradation during the distribution and shipping process. 

Ultimately, it builds the satisfaction of your customers, contributing to increased market share. 

What Are the Best Packaging Testing Methods to Optimize Your Delivery?

The best packaging testing methods are those that can simulate the actual process cycle that your distribution goes through. 

Here is how Newton Research & Development Centre can help optimize your packaging testing to get the best value in return. We are equipped with the latest equipment and can provide reports when we work with our various packaging testing methods. 

We can help simulate the journey of your package from the manufacturer to your customer’s doorstep. 

Which Packaging Testing Methods Should You Go For?

Newton offers a one-stop solution for product packaging testing services that reproduce the routine and climatical settings that goods may face during shipping and storage. 

Every package is unique in content, weight, and delivery distance, which will impact your delivery performance. We make it a point to ensure these variables are factored in and diagnose to ascertain your product’s susceptibility to damages. 

So how exactly are these packages for e-commerce tested? Packages will be subjected to a series of tests following a set of procedures. Packaging testing methods include:

  • Atmospheric conditioning at ambient temperature/humidity
  • Atmospheric conditioning at controlled temperature/humidity 
  • Shock testing via drop tests
  • Random vibration testing with top load
  • Shock testing via drop (including drop on hazard)
  • Integrity testing via leak detection (for liquids only)
  • Types of packaging tested under this method
  • Individually packaged products (non-palletized) weighing 70 lbs. (31.75 kg) or less when prepared for e-commerce shipment.

Your Next Step with Newton for Packaging Testing Service

  • Newton is your one-stop solution. Other packaging testing labs out there can also conduct transportation tests for packaging but only limited to limited testing (like drop testing and temperature conditioning). Newton can help you cover a broader testing range because we are equipped with almost a full range of advanced testing to optimize your packaging, as mentioned above. 
  • All in one place to test – When you test your packages with us, you save time and costs. We are your one-stop solution. We help determine the best-suited packaging for your business through packing testing methods to utilize your savings on other important aspects of your business. 
  • ISTA updated – Newton Research & Development Centre is a ISTA member, and we are an ISTA certified lab. We are certified to professionally advise you on the latest ISTA requirements and information vital for your packaging needs. 

Newton Can Help You

Pandemic or not, e-commerce is here to stay as it has become a way of life. There will be many more blooming businesses utilizing packaging to reach their customers locally and internationally. 

The question is, how would you remain competitive, and how your packaging plays an essential role in delivering your promise to your customers? 

Partnering with packaging testing labs like Newton Research & Development Centre can help you simulate and replicate packaging conditions so that you won’t be caught by unwanted surprises which may disrupt your business flow and productivity. 

A problem in your packing is the last thing that you want to worry about.  

Let us optimize your packing decisions using data technology combined with the right packing testing methods to fulfill your packaging needs. 

Let’s connect and get you on track so that you can run ahead in this rapidly, ever-growing e-commerce market. 

Contact us at for more info or to enquire more today.

** This article is contributed by Newton Research & Development Centre, our trusted partner for Thong Guan’s ENGAGE program.

Nano Arctic: Your Cold Chain Wrapping Solution

nano arctic cold chain wrapping

Cold chain wrapping with machine film can be quite challenging for meat, ice cream, seafood, frozen food, pharmaceutical, or any cold room logistics business. 

The typical cold chain temperature may range from 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) to ensure maximum freshness. 

For instance, transportation of fruits, vegetables, medicines, food items, and many other environmentally sensitive products.

Some products have specific temperature tolerances depending on their specifications, sensitivity, and type of logistics used. 

For instance, vaccines, namely Ebola and Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines, require  –70ºC (–94ºF) cold chain.

Here are three condition checklists when considering cold chain packaging: 

  • Product – Each product has specific physical qualities requiring particular temperature and humidity conditions related to its perishability and fragility. What type of cold chain packaging services would be suitable for your products? If not handled well, you may lose the commercial value of your goods in part or whole.
  • Source/Destination – Where are the products being produced and consumed? Is it under local conditions or global delivery? Do you need distance sourcing strategies to maintain the quality of goods? 
  • Distribution – Are you using the right temperature-controlled trucks, containers, and warehousing facilities to handle your packages? 

Protecting Temperature-Sensitive Goods 

When dealing with conditional sensitive goods, we know that slight shifts in temperature conditions during transits make a difference to your business. 

Changes cause damage and deterioration that will ultimately affect your bottom line.

It is crucial to preserve the integrity and extend the life of products throughout their journey to ensure happy customers.

The best-fit cold chain wrap helps maintain a stable and consistent temperature from manufacturing to the destination of delivery.

The Problem with Conventional Machine Stretch Film for Cold Environments 

Conventional machine stretch film loses its load-holding force and clinginess when in a cold room environment. 

It clings when it’s warm, but when put into temperature variation situations, it loses its cling. 

Stretch film meant for safeguarding and protection becomes loose and will eventually fall off, defeating the wrap’s purpose. 

Since conventional stretch films cling properties are not as good in cold room environments, it often leaves “a tail” when the end of wrapping falls off. 

This can be unsightly and hazardous for employees.  

You certainly do not want mishaps of trips or messy tangling between the wheel of pallet jacks and forklifts during the storage process, which causes unintended additional costs, which affects your bottom line too. 

Cold Chain Wrapping Solution

To withstand freezing and conditioned cold environments, you would need to use specially manufactured films to maintain excellent load holding and cling force. 

Freezer film like Thong Guan’s Nano Arctic is designed with extra cling properties, enabling the film to be used in freezing temperatures to secure your sensitive temperature goods on any piece of equipment. 

It assures that your products’ quality is protected and preserved just as promised to your end customers. 

At the same time, you reduce possible losses due to temperature-based damages too. 

Even when freezing, refrigerated, or in controlled room environments, Nano Arctic film will stick to each other, especially at the end of the film or wrapping cycle, leaving no tail. 

No more worries about film causing unnecessary mess or trouble during storing and in-transit. 

Construction companies, modeling, landscaping, and other packaging industries could benefit from using Nano Arctic due to its shielding and aggressive cling properties. 

It also protects your load containment so that you will never have any mishaps during transits.

The Nano Arctic cold chain wrapping film is made with high clarity with clear visibility that anyone can inspect the goods or scan the barcodes inside. Moreover, it is advantageous for your brand to be visible for branding purposes too. 

In the end, it is all about ensuring that consumers get fresh products delivered according to the standards. 

Benefits and Features Summary:

  • Exceptional forceful cling packaging
  • Tough with no film breaks. Remarkable puncture resistance
  • Firm holdings when wiping down at any given condition 
  • High visibility = Scan barcodes easily
  • Outstanding load containment
  • Will run on any piece of equipment

We Can Help With Your Cold Chain Wrapping Needs

It does not matter if your cold wrapping needs are for ultra-low temperature refrigerants, phase change materials, or insulated shipping containers. 

Perishable temperature-sensitive goods are highly delicate items that need special packaging care to keep happy customers. 

Thong Guan can help you enable machine film to be used in cold room environments or extremely cold weather conditions. 

We help optimize your wrapping by selecting the best-fit film using data technology at the most optimum wrapping based on your needs. 

Let’s connect and get you on track towards choosing the right stretch film for your machines today. 

Contact us at for more info or to enquire more today.

European Green Deal: the Future of Plastic Packaging Regulation in European Union

bottling factory recycling factory

According to the New European Green Deal, all plastic packaging consumed in the European Union must be recyclable by 2030. According to IndexBox’s estimation, the EU plastic packaging market totals $31billion.

This huge figure will force manufacturers to switch to making plastic packaging suitable for subsequent recycling and multiple reuses.

Meanwhile, in the future, we expect the production of non-recyclable types of packaging to decrease while stricter waste controls could push the plastic packaging market to transform supply chains. 


How We Got Here

In 2010, the EU plastic packaging market grew by 2.6% against 2009, expanding slightly to $25.4billion.

This figure reflects the total revenues of manufacturers and importers minus retail marketing costs, logistics costs, and retailers’ margins, which will be included in the final consumer price.

In comparison with the prominent rate of growth recorded in 2008 when the market increased by 6.6%, the growth record between 2009 and 2010 was a mild downturn. 


In value terms, $25.9billion plastic packaging production was recorded in 2010 estimated at export prices. Over that period under review, the rate of production remained at a lower figure. 

Fast forward to the next decade, the average annual production of plastic packaging, though increased over the decade, further decreased due to the covid-19 pandemic.

According to the latest statistics from Eurostat, the dynamics of plastic packaging production in 2020 was approximately equal to the volume of 2019.  


As we speak, the EU plastic packaging market totals $31billion. In 2010, the countries with the largest plastic packaging markets in the European Union were Germany (1.3million tonnes), Italy (1.3million tonnes), and France (1.1million tonnes).

Altogether, they accounted for 52% of the total market. These countries were followed by Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Austria, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden, and Hungary, which together accounted for further 39%.

From 2007 to 2010, Poland recorded the most notable rate of growth in terms of plastic packaging production, amongst the main producing countries while others experienced modest paces of growth. 


In 2021, the highest plastic packaging production in the EU includes Germany ($4.8billion), France ($4.7billion), and the United Kingdom ($4.2billion). Altogether, they account for 44% of the total production.

Other EU countries like Spain, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Romania followed suit, which together accounted for a further 46%.


Why European Green Deal Regulation?

In recent years, the demand for bulk plastic packaging has increased especially during the pandemic. Hand sanitizers were sold enormously and guess what the bottles are made of – plastics.

Since they are easy to wash and disinfect, the continued popularity was inevitably leveraged by retail packaging. The rise in demand for retail packaging came also a result of the limitations in the HoReCa segment which have led to changes in sales channels.

The pandemic raised an alarm for people to pay attention to hygiene and safety. As a result, people were more conscious of their health as usual. 

During the period of isolation, most restaurants, cafés, shops, and offices began to subscribe to home delivery services that involve the consumption of plastics.

The rise in contactless shopping further led to an increase in the consumption of plastic packaging like plastic bagsstretch films, and containers.

Since consumers are mostly cooking at home, plastic packaging manufacturers saw an opportunity to extend their range of containers to suit different eating and cooking scenarios.

We began to see diverse ranges of plastics in different shapes, dimensions, and sizes, to meet the demand of the market.

The problem this caused was the large amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere during the process of recycling plastic packaging. As a result, the European Green Deal was born. 

The European Green Deal aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

To achieve this, European plastic packaging manufacturers will be forced to use carbon capture technologies in their plants, or research other ways to reduce carbon footprint, and this could lead to higher costs of recyclable plastic packaging.

The Bottom Line

Since plastic containers are incredibly low-cost to produce, lightweight, and easy to wash and disinfect, the need for home food delivery will continue and retail packaging will continue to be relevant.

Therefore, taking into account the development of plastic recycling, we will not expect any radical abandonment of plastic packaging.

Plastic packaging manufacturers had better get prepared to face the New Green Regulation. 

Stretch Wrapping Machine: Pair Your Film To The Right One

machine stretch film

Stretch wrapping machine films is a significant investment for manufactures, distributors, and logistics firms. The right machine film fulfills packaging promises and retains loyal customers too. 

A new research study by Persistence Market Research reports that the consumption of stretch wrap machines will be at 231,810 units by the end of 2026. They also projected the revenue from the purchases of stretch wrap machines to touch US$ 1,356.0 mil by 2026, showing a strong growth rate of 7.5% during the eight years from 2018 to 2026.

Mechanical stretch film wrap applications work best when working with mass load packages that need to be optimally wrapped so that you can deliver what you promise your customers.

However, one of the most significant issues is deciding which type of stretch film for machines to use to keep your goods safe. These considerations include cost, ease of use, durability, and transparency. You must give each of these factors the same amount of importance. 

Stretch film wrappers work with loads according to:

  • How much is the weight of the load?
  • Pre-stretch % on wrapping machines.
  • Number of pallets wrapped per hour
  • The size and type of the load
  • Are there any special requirements needed?
  • How is the pallet being transported to?

But what are the considerations when choosing stretch films for machines? 

While the purchasing department continues to opt for cheaper films due to costs, productions jump on snap films and downtimes. 

So regardless of what wrapper is being used, choosing the right film for your machine matters.

Here’s our take on how the films and wrapping machines correlate to your wrapping goals, how to select the right machine films.

Wrapping Machine with Thong Guan High Performance Stretch Film

Stretch Wrapping Machine Film

Smart technology and high-speed production processes drive automation to the next levels in the global packaging industry. 

Through evolutionary patterns, mechanical stretch film wrap minimizes the quantity of material used to protect loaded pallets from unwanted losses. 

The result of utilizing mechanical wrap benefits you in

  • Reduced Labor and Material Cost
  • More significant film stretch ranging from 200%-300% 400%
  • Better containment and lower Cost Per Load
  • Quicker Wrap Times – Lower Load Failure
  • Better operational productivity
  • Improved Load Integrity
  • Consistent Load Quality
  • Minimal to no employee fatigue 

Using Machines To Optimize Your Wraps 

Different machines work with different loads. There are three types of loads when dealing with pallet wrapping which are:

stretch wrapping machine

  • A Load – Stable, straight sides with up to 3” protrusions.
  • B Load – Relatively stable with protrusions of up to 6” inches or less
  • C Load – Oddly shaped with several protrusions (including sharp corners) of over 6”. Unstable. 

Here’s how these machines work with your wrapping needs

Turntable Wrapper 

The most simple form to wrap is to place the pallet on a turntable that rotates while a pallet stretch film is delivered around the load.

Turntables have the smallest footprint and overall machine height. It is capable of 1020 loads per hour and ideal for A and B load types. This system starts wraps at the bottom of the load and wraps its way to the top and to the bottom again.

With the speed of 16 rpm p/minute it takes 5 mins (including change over time) to wrap a pallet. That’s approximately about 12 pallets per hour. 

Turntable wrappers are very effective in many types of works, and they are used for a broad variety of applications

Rotary Arm Wrapper 

Arm wrapper machines operate by placing loads under a rotating arm. The load remains secured and stationary while stretch film is revolved to wrap around the load.

These machines are great for unstable, wobbly, light pallets and heavy loads that tend to be unstable while rotating on a turntable.

Suitable for all A, B, and C types of heavy and oversized loads. They are used for high-speed applications from 40 loads per hour. 

Ring Wrapper 

Ring wrapper machines are great for unstable loads as well. 

Best used for PET drinks, 25kgs resin bags, brewery, and products required high throughput yield.

When wrapping, the load remains stationary while the wrapping is done via rotating around the pallet not by an arm, but through a large ring.

These machines can wrap at a very high-speed ranging application of 60 to 80 loads per hour. 

Here is a summary of good types and what type of stretch film fits best

  • Light loads – loads that are light in weight, such as tissue paper and empty bottles
    • Machine wrappers: arm machine or ring machine wrappers 
    • Type of film that works best: Thin-film from 12 to 15-micron 
  • Medium – loads that are of medium heaviness like handling of cartons 
    • Machine wrappers: Turntable machine, arm wrappers, and ring wrappers 
    • Type of film that works best: stretch film from 12 to 17-micron 
  • Heaviest – heavy load handling like PET drinks, resin bags (25kgs), or 200-liter drums 
    • Machine wrappers: Turntable machine, arm wrappers, and ring wrappers 
    • Type of film that works best: stretch film from 17 to 20-micron 

Typically, the usual market practice uses 23 microns for heavy loads, but Thong Guan has innovated the use of thinner < = 17-micron films that do the same job but better.   

Mechanical Film Application

When film is applied using a stretch wrapping machine, the rolls are larger, typically having a 500 mm and 750 mm width and a gauge of 20 microns and above. Thong Guan is currently looking to replace it with 15 microns and below. The film is pre-stretched via the machine’s carriage system immediately before application.

Combining the right film and advanced wrapping machine, the film can be pre-stretched by as much as 400%, which is 1 meter to  4 meters. Less efficient machines have a lower pre-stretch capacity, generally less than 150%

The type of wrapping machine is also important since there is no point in using a longer stretch ratio film if the wrapping machine has only limited to lower stretch ratios (e.g., 150% and below for core brake turntable machine)

So how do you choose the right machine film? 

Here are four questions that would be able to help you in determining the suitable stretch film for machine 

  • Q1- What is the perimeter of the pallet 【(length + width)*2】?
  • Q2- What are the number of revolutions of the current wrapping? (this needs to be calculated visually)
  • Q3- What is the weight of the wrapped stretch film? (This refers to the weight of the stretch film after it has been removed from the packaging)
  • Q4- What is the thickness of the existing stretch film?

With the above information available, we can use formulas to calculate the true pre-stretching of the winding film on the device.

We Can Help You

It doesn’t matter what stretch wrapping machine you need for your applications Thong Guan can help you optimize your wrapping. We can help you select the right film using data technology combined with the right machine scratch film to optimize your wrapping demands. 

Yes, choosing the right stretch film for a machine may not be as easy as just purchasing a “cheap and good” film as there are many other factors mentioned to consider too. 

As stretch film experts, let’s connect and get you on track towards choosing the right stretch film for your machines today. 

Contact us at for more info or to enquire more today.

Stretch Film Essentials: Keeping Your Pallets Safe

stretch film TG

We all know that stretch film is essential for your business, particularly if you are brand owners or in manufacturing, distributions, and logistics. 

We understand that the last thing you’d want is high unsaleables. That translates to a compromised bottom line. 

That is why optimum wrap is critical to your entire business.

And one of the most vital steps to optimum wrap is selecting the right gauge stretch films.  

Of course, to achieve optimum wrap with the best-fit stretch film, we will need to know your wrapping requirements, wrapping methods, and more.

However, there are many stretch films in the market, so what are the essential elements of a good stretch film and selection principles for your achieving your wrapping goals? 

Here is a list of essential checklist for optimum wrap:

1. No One Film Fits Them All 

Films are not created equal. Depending on the technology, quality control, and materials, films come in various levels of quality.

And on top of that, there are different types of films with different tension points, tear resistance, layers structure, durability, clarity, and thickness.

So it is essential to find the best films for your different wrapping scenarios like the loads, branding requirements (namely clarity), and handling conditions. 

Also, Stretch film comes in different sizes and thicknesses (gauge) that can and must be paired with your pallet load requirements. 

2. Your Loads Matter

You don’t have to worry about your loads falling apart or being damaged along the journey during a delivery.

Some of the loads that you may be dealing with are:

Pallet Load Profile

  1. Uniformed in shape and typically easy to handle of up to 3” protrusion. (Type A)
  2. Not as uniform and has several protrusion points that may be up to 3” – 6” in length (Type B)
  3. A mix of items or loads with protrusions or even sharp edges of more than 6” (Type C). This may require higher puncture resistance film instead of increasing the thickness of the film (thicker films does not equal high puncture resistance film)

A good stretch film would hold your loads together no matter the type of load you are working with. 

Thong Guan’s nanofilm series provides a different kind of wrapping solution of different types of machines- Ring type, Arm type, Horizontal wrapping, and Turntable type.

No sweat of unwanted complaints—only happy, intact deliveries. 

3. You Want a Stretch Film That Can Perform 

A good stretch film would be able to withstand the pressure of the wrap through its yield strength and gives you optimum containment force. 

It is crucial to look for a stretch film that gives you the right yield strength, containment force, and performance for the loads that are being wrapped. It must be able to withstand the stretch stand without permanent deformation.

Before reaching its yield point, a stretch film will elastically deform. However, a good one reacts like a “rubber band” once the stress stops. Stretch films that show such elasticity assures you that your goods will be secured. 

4. TG Nano Stretch Film Thickness That Works With Your Loads

What type of loads are you working with?

  • Light – If you are dealing with light products such as tissues and bottling or cans, the best thickness of the stretch film to use would be 10 – 15 microns (39 gauge – 59 gauge)
  • Medium –  For medium loads such as handling goods with cartons, the best thickness of the stretch film to use would be 12 – 17 microns (47 gauge – 67 gauge)
  • Heavy – When dealing with heavier loads like PET drinks, resin bags (25kgs), or even 200 litter drums, the best thickness of the stretch film that would be most fitting are from 17 – 20 microns (67 gauge – 79 gauge)

Choosing the right stretch film thickness to fit and protect your load type goes a long way. It prevents the risks of unwanted tears or film failures. 

5. Shipping Risks and Governing Guidelines

There is a lot of transportation risk that takes place on the road. This is why using good stretch films takes the headache away from avoidable damages and losses. 

EUMOS (European Safe Logistics Association) has established the EUMOS 40509 method, To improve transport safety. Its purpose is to guarantee the cargo’s safety and rigidity under the 2014/47/EU directive. 

This directive puts strict demands for the transport of goods on pallets within the EU based on standards issued by EUMOS and no longer holds the transporter responsible for product damage and cargo losses. 

Besides its hefty fines, following this guide serves to protect and preserve stakeholders’ and consumers’ trust. 

A good stretch film would be able to keep your load pallets safe from your wrapping process to delivery because it can secure your load intact. We at Thong Guan know about the stretch film essentials in Malaysia and global markets too. We would be able to advise you in compliance with EUMOS standards. 

So, What Are The Essentials of Good Stretch Film?

in conclusion, here’s a summary of our checklist for your optimum wrap

  • There is no single “good” stretch film. Not every stretch film is the same. 
  • A good stretch film keeps away the worries of logistic damages or loss – your goods will be delivered as wrapped. 
  • There might be different types of loads, but a good stretch film will hold them together securely.
  • Stretch film gauge makes a difference when it comes to variant load weights. 
  • The right stretch film fulfills governing guidelines, which helps keep goods safe. You will be following industry delivery standards that your clients trust.

Choosing the right stretch film is essential. 

Partnering with NEWTON Research & Development Centre (the first dynamic simulation lab in the Asia Pacific), we help brand owners like you obtain exact data and obtain the right setting to achieve your optimum wrap goals through state-of-the-art lab testings. 

Contact us at for more info or to enquire more today.